CI854AK01 3BSE030220R1? ABB通信接口模塊
ABB CI854AK01 3BSE030220R1通信接口介紹通信接口(communication interface)是指中央處理器和標準通信子系統之間的接口。如:RS232接口。RS232接口就是串口,電腦機箱后方的9芯插座,旁邊-般有”|0|0|””樣標識。-般機箱有兩個,新機箱有可能只有一個。筆記本電腦有可能沒有。有很多工業儀器將它作為標準通信端口。通信的內容與格式一般附在儀器的用戶說明書中。計算機與計算機或計算機與終端之間的數據傳送可以采用串行通訊和并行通訊二種方式。由于串行通訊方式具有使用線路少、成本低,特別是在遠程傳輸時,避免了多條線路特性的不-致而被廠泛采用。在串行通訊時,要求通訊雙方都采用-個標準接口,使不同的設備可以方便地連接起來進行通訊。RS-232-C接口(又稱EIA RS-232-C)是目前最常用的一種串行通訊接口。它是在1970年美國電子工業協會(EIA)聯合貝爾系統、調制解調器廠家及計算機終端生產廠家共同制定的用于串行通訊的標準。它的全名是“數據終端設備(DTE)和數據通訊設備(DCE)之間串行二進制數據交換接口技術標準”該標準規定采用一-個25個腳的DB25連接器,對連接器的每個弓|腳的信號內容加以規定,還對各種信號的電平加以規定。
ABB CI854AK01 3BSE030220R1 communication ports The communication interface is the interface between the central processing unit(CPU)and the standard communication subsystem.For example,an RS232 interface.RS232 interface is a serial port,9 core socket in the rear of the computer case,next to-like”|||0 0″sample”logo.-Normal case has two,the new case may only have one.Laptops probably don’t.Many industrial instruments use it as a standard communication port.The content and format of the communication are usually attached to the instrument’s user manual.Data transmission between computer and computer or between computer and terminal can adopt serial communication and parallel communication.Because serial communication has fewer lines and low cost,especially in remote transmission,it avoids the characteristics of multiple lines and is widely used by factories.In serial communication,both sides of the communication are required to adopt a standard interface,so that different devices can be easily connected for communication.RS-232-C interface(also known as EIA RS-232-C)is one of the most commonly used serial communication interfaces.It was developed in 1970 by the Electronic Industry Association(EIA)in collaboration with Bell Systems,modem manufacturers,and computer terminal manufacturers for serial communication.Its full name is”the data terminal equipment(DTE)and data communications equipment(DCE)between the serial binary data exchange interface technology standard”the standard adopts a-a DB25 connector of 25 feet,the content of the signal of each bow|feet for connector is regulated,also is regulated to a variety of signal level.