5SHY3545L0009 ABB 可控硅IGCT模塊
可控硅5SHY3545L0009 IGCT功率模塊ABB工控應用行業(yè)
5SHY3545L0009? 集成門極換流晶閘管(IntergratedGateCommutatedThyristors),它是將GTO芯片與反并聯(lián)二極管和門極驅動電路集成在一起,再與其門極驅動器在外圍以低電感方式連接而成。也就是門極集成化的GTO(Gate Turn Off)。
IGCT在整流環(huán)節(jié)中與SCR一脈相承,SCR是Silicon Controlled Rectifier的縮寫,5SHY3545L0009是可控硅整流器的簡稱??煽毓栌袉蜗?、雙向、可關斷和光控幾種類型。它具有體積小、重量輕、效率高、壽命長、控制方便等優(yōu)點,被廣泛用于可控整流、調壓、逆變以及無觸點開關等各種自動控制和大功率的電能轉換的場合。
Unidirectional SCR is a kind of controllable rectifier electronic component, which can be turned on from off to on under the action of external control signals. But once it is turned on, the external signal cannot make it off. It can only be turned off by removing the load or reducing the voltage at both ends. Unidirectional SCR is a four-layer three-terminal semiconductor device composed of three PN junction PNPN. Compared with the diode with one PN junction, unidirectional SCR is controlled by the current of the control pole. Compared with the transistor with two PN junction, the difference is that the SCR does not magnify the current of the control pole. Bidirectional SCR has the characteristics of turning on and off in two directions. Bidirectional SCR is essentially two one-way SCR in inverse parallel. It is a semiconductor device consisting of four PN structures formed by five layers of NPNPN semiconductor and has three electrodes. Because the structure of the main electrode is symmetrical (both lead from the N layer), its electrodes are not called anode and cathode as unidirectional SCR, but the first electrode A1, which is very close to the control, is called the second electrode A2. The main disadvantage of bidirectional SCR is its low ability to withstand the voltage rise rate. This is because when the bidirectional SCR is switched on in one direction, the carriers in the silicon wafer in each layer have not returned to the cut-off position, and corresponding protection measures must be taken. Bidirectional SCR is mainly used in AC control circuit, such as temperature control, lighting control, explosion-proof AC switch and DC motor speed control and reversing circuit. SCR is always in the open state above the maintenance current, with high turn-off current, difficult control and slow turn-off speed. In the inverter link, SCR has excellent performance in LCI (load commutator inverter), which can achieve super power, high voltage and large current. Diode (uncontrolled rectifier) and SCR (semi-controlled) rectifier do not require PMW to work with two-quadrant converters, while PWM requires devices such as IGBT (full control).